Thursday, December 24, 2009

I'm engaged!

I can't believe that Christmas is tomorrow!
Time is going by so fast and it is freaking me out.

I have been way busier than I thought I would be trying to get things ready to plan my wedding!
I also spent 3 hours earlier making homemade cookies and frosting.

It was over 70 degrees today and I thought that was awesome, even though some people would disagree. I wish every December was like this. I love Texas.

I miss college, but I do not miss my 24-hour class schedule, and I am so glad that is over now.

So, when I was making cookies earlier, I realized I left both of my rolling pins back in Belton, so I went to kroger to get one. They had everything BUT rolling pins, so that was pretty cool. Instead, I ended up buying other random Christmas things that mom was really excited about.

Merry Christmas!