Monday, January 18, 2010


Hey everyone!

It's 1 in the morning and I have weight training tomorrow at 9:30 with Jacqueline and it is my first class.
We've already been twice and I'm pretty sure the trainer thinks I am crazy.
He said, "Wow, we should probably just bring out some 2 pound dumbells for you," after I couldn't do a single lift on any of the machines.

I pick up Charlie tomorrow too!
When I got back from the break, Kayla and I decided to go to chick-fil-a, and Charlie's window kept gowing down slowly and we couldn't get it to roll back up!
When it was about half way down, we pulled into chick-fil-a, and the remaining window just fell right into the door. Disappeared.
So, we had to take her to get her window fixed.

Earlier today Kayla decided she wanted to go to her favorite record store in Austin, so....Kayla, Jacqueline, and I decided to go.
We actually never found the record store because we got so lost, and never even got out of the car. We just decided to come back after a long time of being really lost. I personally thought it was pretty fun and exciting, even though Kayla did not believe me. Jacqueline did, too.

Love you.