Thursday, July 28, 2011

Week.....I lost count.

Well, clearly, I fell a little behind on my blog (big surprise).
Now I can't even remember which week we're on.
I'm sure I will figure it out later.

So the past couple of weeks have been pretty good.
It's hard to remember everything.

I helped with VBS this past week.
I did the music for the kids.
The little kids are so much fun and so energetic. Soooo energetic.
I don't remember being like that.
I was the quiet girl that would sit in the corner and hope no one asked me
to play a game that required any type of dramatic movement, like running.
I even remember asking to stay inside with my teachers when it was time for recess.
Apparently, that's weird.

We finally got a dresser. YES! A real dresser! We haven't had one for almost 3 months!
So, now all the laundry that has been piled up on our dining room table has a home!
Well, most of it. Both of us do have an abnormal amount of clothing, I guess. Well, mainly me,
I admit. BUT Chris does have a substantially large and unnecessary amount of t-shirts. He never wears them.
He insists, though, that they are "memories." So, finding a spot for all his "memories" and all of my
stuff isn't the easiest thing. But, oh well.
Sunday afternoon we went to petsmart, and I wanted to look at the kitties like I always do.
I love them. All of them.
Well, we happened to see the cutest, sweetest kitten ever. His name was Edwin.
We asked if we could hold him for a while, and of course the lady thought I was a teenager.
We got to hold Edwin, and he was the best kitten.
Chris looked at me and said, "I want him."
So anyways, after a couple of days getting paperwork together and a test done for Roxie,
we were able to adopt little Edwin.
He really is as sweet and adorable as he looks.
Minus the fact that he stays up all night and is bouncing with energy at all times making
sure he keeps us awake. But even that is so adorable that the lack of sleep doesn't
even have an effect on us.
Anyways, all that being said, Roxie is NOT happy.
She spends her time watching Edwin's every move and hissing if he gets too close.
Edwin doesn't understand. He just wants to play.
I caught her giving him kisses this morning, so I think this is a sign of things to come.
Good things.

Well, there you have it.
Just two weeks in the lives of the Whiteheads.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Week Eight.

Since the whole video blog thing was a success, I took a second shot at it.

Here it is.
The best vlog ever.

PS. Right now my husband is listening to "Who Says You're Not Perfect" in our bedroom before he goes to bed.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Week Seven.

I decided to try something new and exciting this week.
A. video. blog.

So, here it is.
PS. Thanks to having NO lights in our apartment, the lighting is terrible. absolutely terrible.

It's on youtube, and here is the link:

Peace. and. Blessin's.

Matthew 24:35.