Monday, May 24, 2010

Make a Joyful Noise


It's time for me to blog again!
Super exciting!

Okay, well, first off, I went shopping today.
Holly pressured me into it!
Mom doesn't know I did.
....well now she does.
I only bought one dress though, because it was only $13.50!
It was such a bargain. It was so cute!

I also worked at the Pregnancy Center, ate lunch with Mimi, went tanning, and went to work out.
So, pretty much everyone knows about my intense obsession with Glee, and any song performed in that show.

So that brings me to my awesome point: MUSIC.
It is such an amazing thing.
I am pretty sure that music has got to be God's greatest gift to mankind.
...With the exception of Jesus, of course. It really doesn't even measure up to Him.

The best parts of music:
When you get goosebumps from an amazing note, voice, or lyric.
When you realize a song summarizes EXACTLY who you are or how you're feeling.
When you sit in the audience of a musical (like Wicked), or something truly sensational and feel your entire life changing.
When you get to stand on a stage, whether you're completely alone or in front of a huge audience, and you get to completely sing your heart out.

Music is awesome.
Music is inspiring.
Music is personal.
Music is life-changing.

One time, I was at a youth service, and I remember talking about our callings and passions in life.
And someone asked if anyone knew what they were born to do.
I instantly raised my hand.
"Sing. I was born to sing."

Anyways, it has been about 4 or 5 years since then, and I still feel the same.
I have a huge passion for being a counselor and listening to people and trying to help, but there is nothing like the power of music - like the power of a great song.
Sometimes, I feel that's the best way to reach a person. Music.
Several people can testify to a song that reached them on some extreme personal level.

That being said,
Nothing ever compares to the feeling I get inside when I get to sing.
I get the same feeling no matter where I am - in my bedroom with a guitar, singing in church, performing in a play, or just getting to sing out a song on some type of stage.
The feeling is unlike any other.
I get an overwhelming sense of peace and satisfaction, knowing that this is my passion, my love, and God's gift to me.

So, basically, I know that music and singing is what I was put on this earth to do, whether it be singing with my mom and family in a small family room,
belting out show tunes on Broadway, singing in a praise band at church, or giving sold-out shows to thousands of fans.
I will always love to sing. I always will sing until I can't anymore.

"Sing to the LORD, all the earth; proclaim His Salvation day after day."
1 Chronicles 16:23


  1. Brittany, sweetie. I couldn't possibly agree more! I love you!

  2. Brit
    I love the way you express your love of music and I love the gift that God gave you and your willingness to use it.
    the piano is where i go when i'm sad, mad, is the outlet for my thoughts to God when i can't find words to say how i feel.
    you brought tears of joy to my heart with this post. Keep singing with your whole heart. I love you
