Sunday, November 11, 2012


Okay, so, if you've talked to me at all recently, you've probably heard me say over and over (and over) that I have wanted to start a fashion blog. I've been trying to convince pretty much every friend I have to start one with me.

I realize that my blog is not necessarily a fashion blog, but if it were, my post(s) would look something like this.

This is probably the only serious picture you will ever see me take. I hope you enjoy it. It really gets me.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Happy Halloween.

Props to me for keeping up with my blog and posting twice in one week!

I really love Halloween and Fall in general.
I feel like I have extra motivation to bake, light candles, and try even harder at keeping the house clean and organized (NOT my strong point).

As always, I forced my wonderful husband and cats to take Fall/Halloween pictures with me.
I shared a couple of them on facebook, but to avoid overloading news feeds and what not, I figured I would post the rest of them here for you to enjoy.
Yes, I do love my cats an exceptional amount, and, yes, they are the cutest cats in the world.

Also, if you haven't noticed already, I am pretty obsessed with my adorable blue bench.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Happy Happy Happy.

Okay, so, I know that you were probably dying to see more of my house, so I figured it was time to show you my most favorite room.
This is a pretty big deal.
I hope you love it as much as I do.
I'm obsessed.

My office:


Alrighty. These are all of the pictures I have. Also, I feel Chloe makes the room look even better. 
Then again, I would think my cats make anything better. 
Also, I would recommend that you get a copy of T Swift's new album. I've listened to the whole thing about ten times now. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Life as a homeowner.

So, in case you didn't know, Chris and I bought a house about 3 months ago.
I figured I would finally blog and let you see some of the inside.
I'm pretty happy about it.
My cats also love it.
I'm still not quite finished with everything, but the parts I have finished look pretty awesome.

I figured I would let you see my living room today. The cats kept wanting to be models in the pictures, but I had to make them move because they couldn't stay still enough. Now they are all sleeping and couldn't care less.




That's pretty much our entire living room.
It might have taken a while, but it was worth it, I'd say.

Chris was able to make the cabinet I got at an antique store work as a tv stand. I was really happy about that. At first he wasn't thrilled about it, especially since the tv didn't actually fit on top op the stand. BUT - after about 6 trips to wal-mart and an entire Sunday afternoon, he was able to mount the tv and cut holes for the wires to run through. He gets the "Best Husband Ever" award for that. Also, I started decorating for Fall/Halloween earlier, so there is a pumpkin on the tv stand (that is not always there, if you were wondering).

The couches took me quite a while to find because I wanted them to be perfect. I was trying to find some vintage couches at antique stores, but getting two or three pieces that looked good together proved to be an impossible task, AND my cats would have torn them to shreds. I like these couches better anyways, and the fabric is cat-proof, which is great for those moments when they get the couches confused with their scratching posts.
I got my coffee table at an antique store, and I refinished it to make it white. I really love it. And the frames are all collected from different antique stores as well, minus the big one in the middle that came from Hobby Lobby. I painted the frames white if they weren't already white, and I added lace and burlap to some of them.
The doors are also from antique stores, and I absolutely love them. Same with the different suitcases.
Really, you could pretty much assume that about 90% of the living room came from different antique shops across Texas. Apparently Chris doesn't share my fascination with these things because all he just says, "I don't understand why everything has to look so.....old."
Oh, well.
I definitely think it has grown on him, though.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Three Cats.

Okay. It's been a while.
A long while, I guess.

I kept feeling like I should update my blog, but I kept not knowing what to write about.

The past however many months of my life have all been consumed with moving into our awesome house, taking classes and studying for a ridiculous amount of hours, and working.
That being said, I NEVER anticipated how much work it would take to move into a house, and I never knew how picky I would be about absolutely everything that went into it.
It's finally almost finished, and I can't wait to post pictures and show everyone!

Also, we got a third cat. Yes - we have three cats. I love all of them. The third one, Chloe, has been causing quite a few problems, though. We are working through them. I can't say that Roxie and Edwin were thrilled about the addition. I think they are still upset, even though it's been over a month since we got her. Currently, the only way to get them to really bond is to give them canned food. Canned food is the key to my cats' heart.

In other news:
 - I am totally thrilled about T Swift's new album that will be coming out soon.
 - My throat is a little sore because my cats have all had colds that they passed on to me, but I'm hoping it will be better soon. No worries.
 - I will be 23 in a little over a month. 23. I will be 23 years old. What? I still don't understand how that's possible.
 - Chris made the bed a couple of weeks ago. It was AWESOME. I mean, literally one of the best things that I could come home to after a long day.
 - I can't stop eating ice cream. I've eaten 4 and a half pints of ice cream this week.
 - I watched the first 2 episodes of Dawson's Creek today on Netflix. I feel weird about it.

I guess that's about all I've got for today.

Friday, March 2, 2012


Okay, okay.
So, I am back and blogging.

I really have no idea where to start, but,
I am beginning this blog by making a firm commitment to not talk too much about my cats today. We'll see how it goes.

That being said, I have to say (just really quickly) that my cats have recently learned how to open the door to the coat closet. When you're sitting alone in the house trying to convince yourself to work on a paper and to stop using pinterest, hearing weird scratching noises while a door is opening isn't exactly ideal.
That just happened, and I'm still recovering.

Anyways, this week was busy to say the least.
I worked every single day, which qualified me for my own personal release time (with Holly) at Target, which consisted of adding 2 new cardigans and a shirt to my closet, along with a few new Springtime/Easter decorations (which I am seriously lacking).
That being said, it also entitled me to have 3 different caffeine drinks today in order to try and maintain some type of focus and composure since I've been driving myself crazy trying to get stuff done, and wasting time when I actually have time to get stuff done because I'm tired and feel like being lazy.
I usually watch my caffeine intake, but not today. Today was all about living on the edge.

So, since I have no idea how to sum this week (let alone the past few months) up into a healthy amount of reading material, I'm just going to make a list of a few of my favorite things that have happened recently.

Happy List:

1. Walking into my 7th grade science class to sub today while the kids were cheering for me because I was their teacher for the day (whether or not it's because they love me or love getting away with a significant amount of stuff they normally wouldn't get away with, I don't care).

2. Getting another free Starbucks drink.

3. Having Chick-Fil-A at least twice in the middle of the week.

4. My cat, Edwin, eating the mayflies and chasing a bee outside of our apartment (he takes care of me).

5. Lots of quality time spent with my husband, family, and friends.

6. Getting a new monopoly game that uses credit cards instead of paper money. Absolutely fascinating.

7. Having a few days full of sunny and warm weather, which means we are getting closer and closer to spring, which also means that I won't have to worry about the cold weather making me grumpy anymore.

8. Receiving multiple compliments on my hair, clothes, shoes, and even my wedding this week (working as a sub can sometimes turn out to be a fantastic ego boost).

9. Learning that Snooki is pregnant (ha. just kidding).

10. Getting to see Wicked for the 6th time in Austin as part of Valentine's from the best husband ever.

11. Learning about a potential Tim Tebow and T Swift relationship.

12. Mom taking me to see Bring it On the Musical and knowing that we are also seeing Rent this Sunday.

13. For real - Just getting to live an awesome, blessed life that I don't deserve.

Well, there you have it. 13 things that made me smile over the past few weeks.
I could probably make it to 240,846,698, but I figured everyone might start losing interest at some point.

Peace. and. Blessin's.