Monday, December 15, 2008

Manic Monday

So, I am starting a blog because Kayla reads people's blogs and I think it seems like fun. So i started a blog. If Kayla is the only person that reads it... that's fine too.

Well, today is Monday. Obviously. And I had two final exams today. I had College Algebra and Political Science. I did okay on algebra.... (Landra made a 100 though...i did not) and political science..... not so good.... even though i spent a relatively decent amount of time studying things that were apparently not things i should've been waisting my time studying... which was pretty irritating. but oh well.

So the important part of my day. Well, after exams Kayla and I took an exciting ride with Jason in his car to go to sonic. He bought us drinks because it was happy hour and that was pretty fantastic because who doesn't like free stuff?! Especially after having a terrible exam experience. yeah.

After the exciting sonic journey, Kayla had to go to the library to work. Sad time. So we said bye to Lindsay because she was leaving. Then Landra and I went to the t room where we both spent a rather absurd yet relative amount of money on t-shirts. I got 7. I have no idea how many she got.

After the t-room, we had to go to Tracie's dorm in Burt and get the Ra's to let us in her room because she forgot all her family's christmas presents! So it took us a while to acomplish the task.... but we did it. we then delivered the goods to brett, who placed them in his car, and now they are safely waiting to be delivered to Tracie in Canyon. a fun time.

So, we drove away and returned to our wonderful living area. We then retired to our rooms for a short amount of time... then we went to our sensational cafeteria to enjoy a great dinner with my amazing boyfriend and his friends.... and our friends.

During this whole process, I locked myself out of my room, which was super annoying since i would owe 2 dollars for an RA to walk 30 feet down the hall to unlock my door for me. Since my room mate was gone, I had no choice. it upset me. But, it was my own fault for mistaking my camera for my keys. oh well.

I got back into my room, got some of my Old Testament stuff and started studying for my Old Testament final tomorrow. I sat in Kayla's room and started to study... and then Landra decided we should do our laundry. and we did. So, during the process of laundry and studying, I decided to start this blog. and it was definately a good idea i think.

In the middle of studying, Landra, Kayla, and me decided that we all wanted to get into her 45 gallon tub she bought from walmart the other night alltogether at one time. Then we decided we needed a picture... which was a difficult process.... Kayla had to set the self-timer but kept forgetting so that it was only taking pictures of Landra and me being retarded.

Finally, we achieved a picture of all of us, and then it was blurry.... so we had to do it again. Then, I folded my laundry, went back to Kayla's room, where Nick called me and told me he was currently in my lobby waiting for me to get down here so I could study with him.

And that is what I am currently doing.... studying for Old Testamnet with Nicholas Arbuckle. As soon as Kayla uploads the bucket tub picture I will post it on here because I know that everyone is dying to see it!

Tomorrow, after my last final exam, I will get to go HOME! Which will be amazing. Almost a month without school is completely fine with me. I cannot wait to go home! Even though Christopher is waiting a whole nother day before he leaves :(

Christmas is in less than 10 days! I cannot believe that, since it seems like only a week ago we started celebrating Christmas. Time flies. Fast. Which is good, because college classes surpass my high school classes by far with degree of difficulty... which is not really very cool.

So, that basically sums up my exciting day. What will happen next!?

quote of the day
"I had an imaginary friend. It was a washing machine. Her name was Guinevere."
--Kayla Annette Lynch

me :)

1 comment:

  1. Why do I feel like I was there with Brit every step of the day?? Loved it BB!!! Keep em comin!!!

    Love ya, call ya in 5 minutes!
