Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Terrific Tuesday


I have 4 followers now!! How exciting!! :) I love y'all!! :)

Anyways. Today was my last day of my 1st semester of college. I took my old testament final and I think I made a B. I wanted an A but oh well. Maybe I got lucky!

So, I woke up this morning with excitement in my soul because I knew I still had to finish cleaning and packing. That was sarcastic.
It took me a long time. Longer than I thought it would. I had Christopher and Ty carry down my fishtank too. And they carried down Kayla's tub for her. The one we like to sit in together.

It was a sad moment because I had to say goodbye to Tootsie, my stuffed mouse calendar friend that lives with Kayla. He will miss me greatly. I took a picture with him and kissed him goodbye.

On the way home, I listened to Mamma Mia and a really exciting Christmas cd. My fish were having a bad time.... every bump would make the water go crazy and the fish were all spinning around and stuff. I am currently mourning the deaths of Johnny and June.... two of my fish who died. One died earlier this week, and the other died today. Sad time.

I got home and Honey helped me carry my babies in and Katie was soooo excited to see me. She missed me alot.

We enjoyed a fantastic meal at Mama's Pizza in order to celebrate Honey's birthday from like over a week ago because she wouldn't eat without me. It was fun. I discussed several important life issues with my Uncle Mayberry, who always teaches me valuable things. Mimi got drunk on diet coke.

So now, I am calmly relaxing with my best friend.... I can't remember but I think her name is Holly. I don't know..... I never get to see her anymore......
Anyways. that was a joke.
I know her name is Holly.
I am proud of her because she made a successful trip to the mall with her Australian. Impressive.
There are other events that I am not allowed to discuss.

quote of the day
"No offense but your blog is boring."
-- Holly Erin Aldriedge



  1. Can't wait for Wacky Wednesday!
    Your mother loves you!

  2. FAR from boring...you can tell Holly wasn't at Mama's with us!! Uncle Mayberry will be sad to know that he wasn't the quote of the day winner!!! But he'll be glad he was mentioned. On the edge of my seat the entire blog...

  3. I missed Wed and Thurs. Have you been asleep all that time or is life at home just boring.
    I love you
