Monday, December 22, 2008

I Don't Know...!!

Yay! I am finally updating!!
Kayla!! I bet you are so happy!! haha :)

Anyways. So I couldn't decide on a title so I just called this I Don't Know because I didn't know what to do. I couldn't call it one day because really it should be Sunday right now but it's Monday and yeah...

So I guess we can start on Wednesday. I don't really remember Wednesday. I remember going to the dentist, and that is never an enjoyable experience....
and the crazy lady gave honey and me both this long speech about my wisdom teeth and how i needed them out and all this stuff. I'm pretty sure she thought I was like 12.

I dont really remember Thursday that much either. I know it was Mrs W's birthday!! We ate at Simply Fondue and it was good!! And after dinner Christopher, Daniel, and me went to see seven pounds!! BEST MOVIE EVER!! for real.

Friday! Friday I woke up at 1 and started getting ready because I was supposed to be ready by 2 to leave to go back to wonderful Belton with Chris and his parents and his mimi and papa to see Jonathon graduate. But we didnt leave until 4 anyways. Then we left.... and the dog rode with us the WHOLE way.... and was more crazy then Jack and Katie combined into one animal.
Oh. and some 18 wheeler ran into some other 18 wheeler and it was super weird and we were like sitting there by it in parking lot traffic and we were like... what just happened!? and i dont think we ever really figured it out.
Then we arrived in Belton.... finally. and we checked in at the hotel and then went to Texas Roadhouse to eat. fun.
Then back to the hotel....
the hotel where I beat Christopher badly at a couple of card games.
and he got really mad!

Then, we got lucky and got to wake up early on Saturday morning for the graduation that started at 10. then we ate at olive garden where the brand new waiter spilled his water all over the table and of course it went directly into my lap. But luckily it dried fast and he was sorry. so i guess that was fine. I probably would've complained about it more at lunch because it spilled on my feet and they were freezing but didnt.
After olive garden, we drove back to Arlington!! with more traffic....
and more traffic....
and me stopping to pee about 4 times..... literally.
Chris got mad because we were supposed to be in a hurry to make it in time so he and my mommy could make it to the cowboys game in time. and that mission was accomplished anyways I think.
While they were watching football, I enjoyed a wonderful meal at chili's with my best friend and her Australian. and then we went to the mall.... with holly driving..... who apparently cannot really make it to the mall in less than 45 minutes.... but luckily I was there to help speed up the process. Although I love her and I love spending lots of time riding in the car with her. but not when we are risking being on time for will smith and his amazing spectacular movie.
so we did (barely) make it in time and once again i had the sensational experience of observing will smith. and watching the BEST movie ever.

Today! today i sang at mommy's church....twice. and that was fun. and met new people! and that was fun....
and then chilis...
and then mimi gave christopher rock band!!
and we went to his house and played!!
and jesscia and me went to target!!
and then we had pizza!!
and then more rock band!!
that was basically my day.

so Christmas is Thursday. and that is crazy.
That makes today (in monday terms) Christmas eve eve eve!!


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