Thursday, March 26, 2009

it's already thursday

this week has gone by so fast.

so i bought a really pretty new fish the other day. kayla and i named him frankie after frank sinatra. i guess he did not like that name because he died the next day. depressing.

soon after that, the air conditioning stopped working, worked for an hour, and stopped working again. it has not worked since.

also, today, linz, jax, and me watched 2 episodes of one tree hill. good.

we have a ghost in the north wing of remschel. she likes to move our chairs around, trick us into coming into abandoned rooms, and play with the faucets late at night. it's creepy.

goodnight all.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Mary Poppins!
actually, I get to see that in like August or Septemeber.
and rent (again), and legally blonde the musical (again), and something else that i can't remember.

Saturday Christopher took me to get lunh and then for a walk in the park.
After the park we went to see Duplicity.
After the movie we were supposed to go to nice dinner but we decided on burger king instead.

Sunday I went to church. It was fun.
Then to chili's.
I packed. we left.
We sat in traffic for 2 hours.
We arrived at UMHB around 7:30.

it's 2. i have class at 8.


Friday, March 20, 2009

fun friday.

hello world.

my spring break ends sunday. sad.

my cat keeps finding my fish no matter where i hide them.

my spring break consisted of:

1) sleeping
2) hanging out with my best friend :)
3) finding/getting the CUTEST most ADORABLE puppy in the whole world!! (Max)
ans bought him cute stuff and my cat a new collar that she loves.
4) ditched watchmen after chris forced us to watch the first hour and 15 minutes even though i kept complaining after the first 20 minutes because it sucked.
5) went to the zoo (early) on thrusday.
6) ate at saltgrass with randy, chris, mommy, ken, and mr. dubb thursday night.
7) had the party of the century at ben's tonight (haha) by party of the century i mean we hung out and ate food and talked about stuff
...and saw knowing with ben, crystal, ty, jesscia, chris, daniel, and beau. it was.... i don't know.

vin diesel is going to be in the 3rd fast and the furious and i am excited about that.


Sunday, March 15, 2009

super spring break

so it's spring break.

i came home thursday and now i am here. and it's cool.

right now i am in the process of making a funfetti cake (my favorite) and watching i love lucy.
alex just came in and made eggs. which is disgusting. and it ruined the smell of my baking cake.
so i am annoyed.

let's see. Matthew came over today to help me with guitar and stuff. I learned some stuff. like how to play journey ... kindof. which is basically awesome because i do love journey. ALOT.

also. i started a twitter earlier today. i figured i needed another electronic output resource to retain my attention. mainly to distract me from things i SHOULD be doing like homework, studying, sleeping. things that just aren't quite as exciting. although sometimes sleep is more exciting. like it would be every morning when i have to wake up in time for my 8 oclock class. THAT is when sleep would be the best option available. but if i do that, i fail. so that sucks.

so i miss my friends. i wish y'all were here with me!!

in lucy right now, somehow everyone has a black eye, and since i've been writing this i really haven't been paying that much attention so i am really kind of confused.

my cake is done i think. i just ook it out of the oven. and now it smells realy god and is really hot and stuff. so that's cool. i can't decide if i want to put icing on it or not? i'm going to think about that for awhile.

lets see....what else.
oh. my arm is like really sensetive and it's weird. it's just my left arm. the top part. my skin is all sensitive and stuff and it like hurts if anything touches it. i have no idea why it's like that. it's really weirding me out. oh well.

okay. well i think i am completely out of stuff to say. oh.... lately.... i think i might be dislexic. like for the past few months whenever i type and stuff i spell random things all reversed and weird and i don't know if it's because i'm being absent-minded or because i'm dislexic. i really can't decide. well i mean i guess it's not a decision. but whatever. that's what's going on right now in my life.....besides the fact that my mother bought a new car and is getting tan and will not quit losing weight. all i hear now is "is that your mom or your big sister?"
but thanks for being good-looking mom. it's pretty cool.


Monday, March 9, 2009

Moving Monday :)

I actually like mondays. especially this monday because I only have two classes, and today my second class was cancelled!

I wrote my WHOLE English paper that is due Wednesday, except for the conclusion paragraph.
I ran out of paper before I could finish printing my actual English paper, so I have to go back tomorrow sometime and print it out.

"Mom!? I thought I was in your room at our house!?" -- JMF
