Sunday, July 11, 2010


I am back from wildweek, and it was AWESOME!

I have soooooo much to say!
I don't even know where to start.

I came home and my mom totally re-did like, half of the house and got a housekeeper,
so I told her she was having an early onset of empty nest syndrome.

I also bought a book entitled "Say Goodnight to Insomnia."
I am learning how to overcome my insomnia as I type.

Right now, I am watching the Bachelorette episodes I missed with my mother while I update her on some of the wildweek happenings.

I've also had chick-fil-a twice now, and it was fantastic both times.

.....and I'm sick.
I took some mucinex today though. maximum strength.
it was pretty awesome.

I will talk more about camp later.
I just wanted to blog a little bit to celebrate a great 6 weeks.

"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom."
2 Corinthians 3:17


  1. I would like to say that I found that insomnia book and you can thank me any time for finding that little gem of psychological education .)

  2. It is so very good to have you home for awhile. Hearing about your 6wks with Wild Week was amazing. You must write about all the awesome things God did in the lives of young people and in your own life. I was always told when you can't sleep, read God's word. Sleep will come more easily. Love you

  3. I, for one, just pick up any book & my insomnia is cured. YUCK on reading. But YAY on you being home. It was so amazing to be sitting at Pluckers & see 2 of my absolute favorite 20-21 year olds in the entire world. I love you!!! You are AMAZING & I am so very happy that you had an awesome experience @ WildWeek. It makes not seeing you for 6 WHOLE weeks much better. Luv u, call u in 5 mins!!
