Monday, July 26, 2010

I'm on a plane.


So...this blog is super special and exciting because I am writing it several thousands of feet in the air!

We are on our way to Atlanta, then we get on our next plane to Dallas.
There is a man behind me in a pink button up shirt, and I really like it.

Mimi is sitting next to me reading her book.
I just asked her if the book was still good, and she nodded.

Our flight attendant hates us.
I don't know why.
She really likes the man in the pink shirt, though.

So, this week/weekend we went to see 3 plays, and they were all AWESOME!
The first one we saw was Jersey Boys, and Mimi really, really liked that one.
The next one was Memphis, and it was phenomenal.
The last one we saw was Promises, Promises, and Kristin Chenoweth was in it!
I tried to meet her at the stage door after the play, but I didn't get to :(

I also took Mimi to Serendipity, and she loved it so much we went back a second time.

Did I mention I'm on a plane right now?
How crazy is that!?

The man next to me fell asleep a long time ago and he has been sleeping with his mouth open ever since.

The flight attendant that hates us just got mad at someone else.
I am scared of her.

So, basically New York was awesome.
We went to the Empire State Building, which was fun because I've never gotten to go there before.

....I hate when the plane shakes.

Mimi is still reading her book.
She just turned the light on so she could see better.
I hope it helped.

I asked Mimi if I should tell y'all anything else and she said:
"Did you tell them that you walked me to death?
Did you tell them about shopping and how it was the first thing we did when we got there and the last thing we did before we left?
And how our limo driver is going to Chelsea Clinton's wedding? (yeah, our limo driver is going to Chelsea Clinton's wedding, and he is super excited about it)."

"Peace to the brothers, and love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love."
Ephesians 6: 23-24


  1. I just want to say that I love each of your bloggity-blogs almost as much as I love you!!! I always feel like I am experiencing these things with you. You are AWESOME!!! Luv u, call u in 5 mins!

  2. Ummmm...aren't y'all flying first class? No comment re: that???

  3. yes, we flew first class.
    or..."business class"
