Thursday, July 22, 2010

New Yorkkkkk!

So, I am in New York with Mimi!
We just got here a few hours ago, and so far everything has been fantastic!

I figured I would just update everyone by typing up my awesome journal entry I started writing
in an attempt to forget that I was actually on a plane.
That didn't work....but at least I have a pretty detailed account of our first day of this New York trip!

Here it is:
"We are on our second flight and almost to New York. I am writing and Mimi is reading some Karen Kingsbury book (Take Two). She says it wouldn't make it onto her Top 10 List, but it's really pretty good. There is a baby that cries a lot on this flight.

Mimi has one of those half-circle pillow things around her neck. We ate lunch at some cute little airport restaurant thing in Atlanta. We had chicken sandwiches even though really we ordered turkey sandwiches, so that was kind of weird....but good. Mimi really liked her pickle. 
Now we have pretzels and this should be pretty exciting. So far this flight has been good, but every once in a while it gets super bumpy and I get really freaked out.

I just finished my pretzels. Mimi still hasn't opened hers. I guess she is too busy reading her book. She is opening her pretzels now. A really awesome flight attendant just took our picture for us. She is wearing really pretty pink, sparkly eyeshadow and her name is Cici. She is nice.

I just read everything to Mimi . Mimi wants me to write that she just picked her purse up off of the floor. Now she just took a picture of me writing this. I just almost drank Mimi's diet coke. That would have been gross. Now Mimi is starting her own journal. Her handwriting is harder to read than mine because she is writing in cursive. She says she doesn't really like writing in her journal. She thinks it takes way too long. She thinks she might try to write some more in her bed tonight. She just got some food on her white jacket, but I got it off for her."

Yeah, so that is what I wrote on the plane.

Since then we have unloaded everything at the hotel, had an awesome fruit and cheese plate delivered to us, walked around Times Square, made an awesome shopping trip/spree through the absolutely AMAZING 4-story brand new Forever 21, had dinner at Planet Hollywood (which was awesome), walked around Times Square a little bit more, stopped at a 3-story Walgreens, and headed back to our hotel, which is where we are now.

So anyways, it has been awesome here.
Mimi is asleep now.

Psalm 20:7
"Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God."