Saturday, June 25, 2011

Week Six.

Week six?
When I was trying to think of what week I was on,
and I thought, "six," I kind of freaked out.

How have I been married for 6 weeks?
And I'm still a college graduate.
What? Seriously. What?

Time goes by way too fast when you grow up, and I don't even get it.

This week we went to two Ranger games.
Both were significantly hot. Like, really hot.
They were both fun. Probably the second one was better since we won.
And Dirk was there.

My cat is literally sprinting around the apartment right now. Sprinting.
She keeps bringing me her mouse so she can play fetch but she's gone through
two of them now and I guess she's tired of that game.
Now she's playing with the flower I took out of my hair.

I finished my first book on my nook a few days ago!
I started a second one, and I love this one, too.
My goal is to finish it by tomorrow so I will have read two books
in a week. Mom would be so proud.

The book I'm reading now is about a little boy who went to
heaven for a little while and it is AWESOME.
I think I've cried about 5 times now. (Thanks, mom)
At one point in the book the little boy's dad tells him
he can't run out in front of cars because he could
get really hurt or even die.
The little boy looked up at him and said, "Oh, good!
Then I get to go back to heaven!"

Well, back to the cat (she's the most exciting part of our apartment).
We gave her her shots last month.
She scratched herself and got it infected last week.
THIS week - she got worms.

Thursday Alyssa AND Jacqueline came to visit. It was the best.
Time went by WAY too fast, though. But we had fun. It felt normal. 

Also, I finally completed the entire name-changing process.
I don't know if I was just putting it off (I like to procrastinate), or if it usually takes this long.
Really, I don't care. I'm just glad it's done. Finally. Brittany Whitehead.

Well, that's about it this week.
Chris should be back from golf pretty soon.
Golf. Golf. Golf. It's basically his new favorite thing.
That and our new tv. He got HD now, too.
So that's a big deal, apparently.
Look at us - golf and HD tv.

Psalm 9:18.

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