Thursday, January 8, 2009

sick sick sick

hello everyone!!
I've gone 2 posts in a row now with zero comments and it makes me sad :(
but oh well.

I really don't know why it doesn't send an e-mail every time I update.

I don't even remember the last time I actually updated.
I'll start with Monday.

Monday I woke up and I was like..... wow..... I don't feel like getting out of bed at all. I thought to myself..... Maybe I should act like I'm sick so someone will take care of me and bring everything to me while I am in bed!!
Then.... I was like well.... that's a stupid idea. I would just waste the day and I need to get up anyways because it's getting late.
So I woke up and I don't remember very much of anything else that happened.
Chris came over a little while later though. We were playing scrabble..... and of course he was beating me because he ALWAYS cheats and comes up with these illigal moves that he says aren't illegal but whatever. I don't believe him.
Half-way through the game I was like whoaa..... my tummy kinda hurts. Then I just wanted to lay down. I still wanted to try and beat Chris..... but I decided my tummy hurt too bad.

So I rested and Chris decided he would leave so he carried me to bed. While I was in bed I realized whoa.... I really do feel really sick. Not just kinda sick. So then he left and I just laid there and could not sleep at all. So i decided to take a bubble bath to see if that would make me feel any better. So I did. and that idea was not a good one.
I proceeded to through up all my dinner contents plus more.... and more..... and more... and more... and then trhough my nose...........which was terrible. I've never had my nose burn so bad.
and how do you fix that?? you don't.

So, I woke up my mother... soaking wet.... and I'm like momma.... I just threw up ALOT in the bath tub and it's sooooo gross and it came through my nose!! What do i do!?? She just said awww.... come to bed. and obviously that would not have worked.
So I returned to the bathroom and I was like omg... this is terrible. anyways. I cleaned that up.... while I was still sick... and then took a shower to clean myself up.... and decided to go back to bed.... only then I still couldn't sleep and ran back to the bathroom only to throw up 3 more times. gross.
Then I decided to go to mom's bed. and i did. and then..... I had to throw up again!! and i did..... 3 more times.... then I tired to go back to bed.... couldn't sleep.... ALL NIGHT. until 7..... when I once again threw up 4 times..... I still couldn't sleep after that.... but at least that was the last time I threw up.
good job for me.

This is sooooooooooo long right?? and graphic.... but my readers deserve the whole truth!! Anyways.... I called Christopher at 10:30 and i was like please come take care of me.
And he did like 2 and a half hours later. He brought all kinda of medicine and stuff. Then I decided I needed to go to the doctor so my mommy signed me up online.... because that's how we do everything these days.... and about an hour and a half later they called me and told me to come in. and we did. Chris took me.

After waiting about 15 minutes, they called me to the back. and a nurse recorded all this random information sown on some sheet and then left. about 20 minutes later, a girl doctor came in and was like blah blah.... i dont really remember what she said.... but then i heard but we will need a sample of your blood to test.... and i was like crap. needle. but i was sick. and i was ready to be done and i was like okay lets go. so she left. and i laid there for about 5 or 10 more minutes until a brand new person came in to take me blood. no fun. girl doctor came back in about 15 minutes later. told me my bloodwork was great. yay. then she announced i would need an antibiotic shot..........WHAT!!!? oh well. i was like whatever thats fine. thinking a quick shot into the arm and then i could finally leave and stop laying in the doctor's office watching night at the museam.

So, about 5 minutes later a NEW nurse.... this makes number 4 i think.... comes in and tells me this shot is going in my HIP and i will be sore afterwards. oh joy. EXACTLY what i wanted to hear. but there was no way out of it. So she gave me the biggest shot ever in the world into my hip and injected what must have been cement or something into my body.... extremely painful and very unpleasant. especially for me. then the nurse finishes and she's like i'm so sorry i know this hurts bad. and i'm like yeah..... no kidding. then she's like..... but we need to keep you for another 10 minutes to see how you turn out.... great. still stuck here.

10 minutes later...... original nurse comes in.... "How are you feeling?"Seriously!?!?!? Did she just ask me how I was feeling after I threw up all my insides and only got 15 minutes of sleep and my blood taken and a MASSIVE shot in my side..... "Fine." I said. sooooo ready to leave.

So original nurse girl leads me back out to the waiting room where I sit with Chris to wait it pay the 30 dollar copay.... I sit down and I'm like whoa.... I'm dizzy. this is weird. and chris asks if i feel better.... I say no..... remember being dizzy. feeling hot. then all the sudden wake up to chris yelling, "Somebody!?" and I'm like whoa.... this probably isn't very good. I'm like.. "What happened??" Chris told me I fainted and I was like that's not good.

Well..... BACK to the doctor.... this time on some crazy bed that looked like it had been reserved just for me when i passed out. Apparently I had no color because they couldn't stop saying that.... and i had some kind of rash or something.... but all i could think about is how they put my legs up on some thing and it made my hip hurt.
THEN.... the new surprise!! I got to get ANOTHER huge shot in my OTHER hip to help my body reject the first shot because the doctors decided I was not reacting well to the medicine.... great.

So After a very long.... not fun.... painful..... horrible process.... I got back home. took a bunch of medicine. and slept. and sleeping was great. it was very very great.

And now.... it's Thursday and I finally got to eat something. Pizza!! Even though Christopher and my mom were like you should probably wait a while longer.... but it's Christmas Break... my last week.... and after this.... it's HARDY. so I decided it was worth the risk. and so far. I am fine. So it looks like I'm better.

Just re-typing this story has increased my stress level and caused my back to ache. Hopefully later I can update with a more positive, uplifting story. If anyone ever even reads this thing anymore!?!?

no quote today. i miss my friends.

****** I forgot to mention earlier that to top off all this craziness.... my belly button ring grew out for some reason and I no longer have a pierced naval. how sad my life is right now. what to do?? ********


  1. im sorry baby that was not a fun day
    and you passing out was not a fun time, i thought you
    were like dying or something
    anyways i love you
    and i am happy to finally found your blog!!!

  2. hope you're feeling alot better now. You really had a bad time and Chris deserves a medal for taking good care of you. I know that the rest of your holiday break will be great
