Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thurough Thursday


So today was fun!!

I woke up later than I planned and didn't go to breakfast with everyone. or whoever went.
which was annoying because everyone said I wouldn't. and then I didn't. cool.
but it was so worth the extra 20 minutes of sleep before my 4 classes!!

So after my music class with jax we decided to go to hardy. and we did.
and chris was there. and ty. and we met kayla there too. that was fun.
but i'm still mad that i never got my waffle.

then i had my last class. tech solutions. we got out like 20 minutes early... which is super nice.

after that I called Chris because I wanted to go to the park and he didn't take me yesterday so he said we could go today. so after he finished cleaning we left for the park.
I had Charles lead us to some park like 10 minutes away and it was the coolest park ever!!
We got really crazy lost in the huge trail stuff and he was freaking out but i thought it was fun.
but don't worry, we obviouslt found our way back :)
besides, i told jax about this and she was on call the whole time anyways. looking out for us.
even had a search effort planned.

so we got back. and i decided i wanted sonic.... so we went there instead.
and then we went to walmart. where i spent kinda alot of mommy's money on COMPLETELY necessary items.......mostly.
some guy left his change there and we debated for a long time what we were supposed to do about it. i ultimately decided to give it to the cashier guy because he looked trustworthy. kind of.
so i did.
and i was like, "Hi! I just wanted to give this to you because the man that went before us left this change and I figured I should give it to you in case he comes back for it!"
he responded with (in a less perky tone), "Oh....okay. This is my tip money."
no laugh.
so i awkwardly laughed. and then somewhat regretted that decision due to my feeling that he was not kidding at all.
but oh well... it's his problem now. not that 10 dollars is necessarily a problem..... but in this case it really was.

Got back to UMHB. had an awesome office watching party (my favorite show....not. (but i'm getting used to having to watch it everyday or so)) mixed with our hall meeting. fun.

then Linz, me, Trace, Lan-Lan, and Jax went to work out at the gym. BUT on the way... a mishap occured.
Tracie accidentally threw her keys in the dumpster. yeah.
SO..... we went to "rape alley" behind her dorm and tred to devise a plan to recover the keys.
someone finally made the decision that I would be the individual who would retrieve them.
So, Lan, Linz, and Trace lifted me up and angled me into the dumpster while Jax held the lid open. Suddenly, I realized that they were holding me by my knees and Landra had let go and was starting to pee her pants because she was laughing. so i guess since she could potentially pee on herself it was no longer important to her to protect me from falling headfirst into the dumpster with no way out.
So, after I was completely upside down, I grabbed the top of the keys.... then they fell further...putting my life moreso at risk. FINALLY, i got down far enough to grab the keys.
RETREIVAL OF '09!! yeah!!

then we proceeded to work out.
after the workout we visited kayla at work. then she got sick and wanted to faint.
so we clocked her out, carried her stuff back, and carried her back on Trace's and Jax's backs.
then we talked. i came to my room to shower.
realized I had homework.
completed it.
and that lead me here.

the end.

"My 3rd grade teacher used to put me in a box and do experiments on me!" -- Kayla Annette Lynch



  1. I cried cuz I was laughing so hard!! Love ya, call ya in 5 minutes! ~~Honey~~

  2. I love this sooooooooooooo much. You make me laugh out loud and then cry cause I miss you bunches. Give everyone a hug from Mimi
