Wednesday, January 28, 2009



Now that I bookmarked my blog on Tracie's computer, I have a new fan!!

So '09 is mighty fine.
so far.

Over the weekend, we went to Lindsay's in Cypress and it was awesome!!

First off I would like to mention that I made a memo in my phone entitled: Blogworthy events.
and last night I was going to blog and I looked down on Kayla's floor and there was this magazine just laying there open. I looked at it and it had some add with a burger or something and underneath it it said: BLOGWORHY. and i thought that was crazy.
and then we decided that I was psychic. well kayla is too really.

anyways. one of the events listed on my memo happened on the way to Cypress.
So, after everyone's classes were over we finished packing and loaded our stuff in Lindsay's car and then drove away. Then she stopeed to get gas at the gas station and Jacqueline realized that she kind of needed her money and stuff and had left it all back in her room. so we turned around and went back to get it. Well, Landra decided she wanted to get an apple. So she did.
And she ate the apple. Then, she finished the apple, and was holding the apple core that needed to be disposed. So she decides to throw it out the window.
However, her aim was completely off, and she throws the apple, which then hits the top/side of Lindsay's car.... right above the window.....leaving all kinds of apple gunk stuck on her car. Due to the lack of napkins, Landra decides to wipe it away with her hands. gross.
Anyways. I provided anti-bacterial handwash for her to clean her hands. so that was cool.

SO that was mainly the only thing I actually remembered to put in my blogworthy memo.
But anyways. we got to Lindsay's later that night and we made this amazing taco salad :) and i drank a lot of apple-cinnamon tea. it was SOOOO good. Then I don't really remember what we did. played guitar maybe??

SO then Saturday morning, I woke up to the beautiful voice of Landra. at 10:30. If you've ever experienced that.... I'm sorry. Then Jax got in bed with me and after an hour later Landra got really mad so I we got ready.
Then we went to the Woodlands mall and stayed their until like 5 that night. Then we came back and made a fire pit in Linz's back yard!! :) it was freezing. and smokey.
But, Landra decides it would be cool to jump into Linz's pool. and she did. good job again lance pants.

Then we watched Cinderella, except Kayla and me stayed upstairs and sang and played random songs. even kayla made up her own chords on the guitar and wrote a song about kingwood and her basset hound (who talks to her).
Then Landra was grumpy. and it was scary.
So we left her room and after a long time we went to bed.

Sunday morning, I shut off my alarm accidentally and fell back asleep with Kayla. Somehow.... beyond my understanding....Jax actually woke up and got ready and stuff. it was weird.
then they woke Kayla and me up and we had 11 minutes to get ready. and we did a good job.
then church. then AMAZING pot roast, potatoes & carrots, and green beans :)
then i went to kingwood with Jax and Kayla May to meet their awesome families. and doggies. :)

So Sunday night we got back to UMHB. and we've been here ever since. and it's fun. :)

"I like to play with my mom's elbow fat during church." -- Landra Ja(y)ne Davidson


1 comment:

  1. I am going to leave you a comment cuz you get really grumpy when you get none...but that didn't really make me laugh out loud...although Blogworthy is BRILLIANCE!!!

    Luv ya, Call ya in 4 minutes...~~Honey~~
