Friday, August 19, 2011

Three Months?

So, on August 14th, I had been married for officially three entire months.
Three months? That's 92 days! And even more now.

Anyways, the past couple of weeks of newlywed life have been pretty normal. Well, if you consider a broken sprinkler causing a leak and soaking over half of your bedroom carpet normal.
Apparently they have been adjusting the sprinkler system here at our apartment complex, and the one outside of our window suffered some failed reconstruction. Water starting shooting out of it with extreme pressure, similar to that of a miniature Niagara Falls, maybe. At some point, the sprinkler not only forced water out with extreme pressure, it forced water INTO our bedroom with extreme pressure. I tried placing towels, shirts, and a cup of some sort to try to slow down the water leak situation, but to no avail.
Okay, after the room literally smelled like a swamp with something weird rotting beside it, the
carpet padding was replaced, and the carpet was dried and fixed. Whew.

In other news, my husband is not very good at SkipBo.
We were at the lake house last weekend, and we decided to play this game
after I beat him in Battleship. Anyways, I beat him 3 or 4 times in a row and he got super mad.
I started to get up, but he demanded we continue playing.
After I beat him in 6 straight games, he decided we were done.
He then informed me that he's only good at games that require "real talent," which is why
he couldn't successfully win one of the games.
Too bad.

Anyways, that's it. Well, almost.
Today was Roxie's birthday and she is one year old now.
I love her, even though I think she might love Chris more than me.
But I am Edwin's favorite, for sure.

I'm done now, but I uploaded a video of our First Dance for everyone's entertainment.

Here you go!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Week.....I lost count.

Well, clearly, I fell a little behind on my blog (big surprise).
Now I can't even remember which week we're on.
I'm sure I will figure it out later.

So the past couple of weeks have been pretty good.
It's hard to remember everything.

I helped with VBS this past week.
I did the music for the kids.
The little kids are so much fun and so energetic. Soooo energetic.
I don't remember being like that.
I was the quiet girl that would sit in the corner and hope no one asked me
to play a game that required any type of dramatic movement, like running.
I even remember asking to stay inside with my teachers when it was time for recess.
Apparently, that's weird.

We finally got a dresser. YES! A real dresser! We haven't had one for almost 3 months!
So, now all the laundry that has been piled up on our dining room table has a home!
Well, most of it. Both of us do have an abnormal amount of clothing, I guess. Well, mainly me,
I admit. BUT Chris does have a substantially large and unnecessary amount of t-shirts. He never wears them.
He insists, though, that they are "memories." So, finding a spot for all his "memories" and all of my
stuff isn't the easiest thing. But, oh well.
Sunday afternoon we went to petsmart, and I wanted to look at the kitties like I always do.
I love them. All of them.
Well, we happened to see the cutest, sweetest kitten ever. His name was Edwin.
We asked if we could hold him for a while, and of course the lady thought I was a teenager.
We got to hold Edwin, and he was the best kitten.
Chris looked at me and said, "I want him."
So anyways, after a couple of days getting paperwork together and a test done for Roxie,
we were able to adopt little Edwin.
He really is as sweet and adorable as he looks.
Minus the fact that he stays up all night and is bouncing with energy at all times making
sure he keeps us awake. But even that is so adorable that the lack of sleep doesn't
even have an effect on us.
Anyways, all that being said, Roxie is NOT happy.
She spends her time watching Edwin's every move and hissing if he gets too close.
Edwin doesn't understand. He just wants to play.
I caught her giving him kisses this morning, so I think this is a sign of things to come.
Good things.

Well, there you have it.
Just two weeks in the lives of the Whiteheads.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Week Eight.

Since the whole video blog thing was a success, I took a second shot at it.

Here it is.
The best vlog ever.

PS. Right now my husband is listening to "Who Says You're Not Perfect" in our bedroom before he goes to bed.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Week Seven.

I decided to try something new and exciting this week.
A. video. blog.

So, here it is.
PS. Thanks to having NO lights in our apartment, the lighting is terrible. absolutely terrible.

It's on youtube, and here is the link:

Peace. and. Blessin's.

Matthew 24:35.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Week Six.

Week six?
When I was trying to think of what week I was on,
and I thought, "six," I kind of freaked out.

How have I been married for 6 weeks?
And I'm still a college graduate.
What? Seriously. What?

Time goes by way too fast when you grow up, and I don't even get it.

This week we went to two Ranger games.
Both were significantly hot. Like, really hot.
They were both fun. Probably the second one was better since we won.
And Dirk was there.

My cat is literally sprinting around the apartment right now. Sprinting.
She keeps bringing me her mouse so she can play fetch but she's gone through
two of them now and I guess she's tired of that game.
Now she's playing with the flower I took out of my hair.

I finished my first book on my nook a few days ago!
I started a second one, and I love this one, too.
My goal is to finish it by tomorrow so I will have read two books
in a week. Mom would be so proud.

The book I'm reading now is about a little boy who went to
heaven for a little while and it is AWESOME.
I think I've cried about 5 times now. (Thanks, mom)
At one point in the book the little boy's dad tells him
he can't run out in front of cars because he could
get really hurt or even die.
The little boy looked up at him and said, "Oh, good!
Then I get to go back to heaven!"

Well, back to the cat (she's the most exciting part of our apartment).
We gave her her shots last month.
She scratched herself and got it infected last week.
THIS week - she got worms.

Thursday Alyssa AND Jacqueline came to visit. It was the best.
Time went by WAY too fast, though. But we had fun. It felt normal. 

Also, I finally completed the entire name-changing process.
I don't know if I was just putting it off (I like to procrastinate), or if it usually takes this long.
Really, I don't care. I'm just glad it's done. Finally. Brittany Whitehead.

Well, that's about it this week.
Chris should be back from golf pretty soon.
Golf. Golf. Golf. It's basically his new favorite thing.
That and our new tv. He got HD now, too.
So that's a big deal, apparently.
Look at us - golf and HD tv.

Psalm 9:18.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Week Five.

Well, I've now been married for over five weeks.

Right now Chris is irritating the cat (as always).
She still loves him, though. And he still loves her.

We got our new tv yesterday.
Chris was thrilled. Literally thrilled.
He thinks everything looks so real that it makes him feel weird.
I think it looks the same.

Chris is still bothering the cat.
So, I finally got a nook since Chris has one and he is ALWAYS using it.
I LOVE mine!
I've almost read an entire book already, and I only got it 2 days ago!

OH! And also, yesterday I was sleeping (for a long time), and
Chris decided to clean the whole living room! He even
vacuumed! And he did the dishes!
Seriously. Awesome.
Props to Chris.
Maybe next Sunday I will try taking another long nap and
see what happens.

I meet with my advisor at DBU tomorrow to set up my grad school schedule.
That will be fun.
I'm such a grown up.

Okay, well, I think that's about all I have for this week.
Stay tuned.

Matthew 11:28.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Week Four.

Okay, so I've been married four weeks now.
Yes. Four weeks.

To start out, we thought this past Sunday was Father's Day, and it wasn't.
We didn't figure that out until we got to church - late, of course.
For anyone else who's confused like us...apparently it's the 3rd Sunday of June.
Just a heads up.

Chris had three interviews this week. 

The rest of the week was a normal newlywed week. It consisted of cleaning, cooking, doing laundry, and all that other stuff.

One new thing - I FINALLY got my guitar out and sat down and sang. But, in the midst of that, I got interrupted because Chris turned the tv way up while I was playing, and needless to say, I got mad.

The cat has had an obscene amount of energy all week, and it seems like she seriously never wants to stop playing fetch. Never. She's trying to play with me right now, actually.

In other news, I finally officially changed my last name to Whitehead this week.
I only spent about TWO HOURS in the social security office.

So, that concludes week 4. Here's to week number 5!

1 Chronicles 16:9.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Day 20.

Look at me!
Blogging two days in a row!

Here's what's happening in day 20 of married life:

I woke up at 2:45 this afternoon. Yes....2:45. I have no idea why.

I remembered one of the weirdest dreams of my life. My husband turned into a dragon at night and it was weird. I went back to visit college and didn't know anyone because I was old.

We FINALLY had a bedspread picked out, and I FINALLY put it on today!
It looks great. And of course - it is pink.

My cat thought we were playing some cat game when I was trying to make the bed,
so she kept attacking the sheets and hiding underneath them.
It made making the bed significantly more difficult, but she was so cute that there
was absolutely no way I could even be mad.

For now, I'm just waiting on my husband to get back from work, and I'm probably
going to do a load of laundry and finish the dishes. Who knew I could ever
be so domestic?

That's it for today.

John 16:33.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

My First Update as a Newlywed.

I am updating for the first time as a married woman.

My husband and I are watching the Mavs game right now, and I need something to
do while I watch because I get nervous!

Here are 10 things I've learned from being a Newlywed for almost 3 weeks:

1) Men enjoy leaving the toilet seat up.
2) Moving in is extremely overwhelming.
3) That my husband is totally in to Reggae music. I never knew before.
4) .....How to spell Reggae.
5) There are ALWAYS dishes that need to be done.
6) The more I want kids, the more Chris does not.
7) There is a bill for absolutely everything. Even having a dumpster and having a pet.
8) I have a ton of shoes. A ton.
9) There are things you assume your husband knows about you after almost 4 years of dating, but for some reason, unbeknownst to you, he does not. Like your favorite band - Journey.
10) I love my husband and I love being married.

We'll see what comes along with the next 3 weeks.

In the meantime, go Mavs!
And maybe someday we will finish moving in and setting up our apartment.

"Hindsight is always 20/20. That's what they taught me in optometry school."

Hebrews 9:28..

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I didn't really know what else to title this post, because all I have been lately is emotional.
...really weirdly emotional and dramatic - about everything.
So, I figured it fit well.

I just wanted to reflect on how great God is and how small I am.

This is one of those moments where I realize how insignificant everything is in relation to God's will and perfect everything.
It's when I remember that I constantly fail and nothing in me is good except for the Holy Spirit Himself.
I'm constantly being humbled by my inferiority.

This is also one of those times when I remember that for whatever crazy reason, none of this even matters, and God still loves and accepts me anyways.

Whenever I hear someone question whether or not God is real or loving, I look at my life, and I know.....without a doubt....that He is so much more than real and so overwhelmingly loving.

(I usually put a verse reference or quote a verse here, but I can't pick one right now)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Playing fetch.

I'm just playing fetch with my cat. cat plays fetch.
And it's her absolute favorite thing to do in the whole world.
I think clawing at the carpet is a close second, though.

I just figured I would blog while Roxie and I hang out.
We typically like to watch The Nanny and play fetch late at night.
She also likes to help me with wedding planning sometimes.

So, Chris and I have been apartment hunting all week.
The only thing more overwhelming than this is trying
to find the perfect dress at Forever 21. Seriously.
Well.....and chemistry.

I wanted to blog about my spring break,
which has consisted of even more wedding planning
and the apartment searching that I previously explained.

I feel like we got a lot done this week, and that's a very great thing.

I have my first shower tomorrow, and I'm pretty psyched about it.
I'm getting married in 56 days.
56 days!

Well....I'm off to play fetch with Rox again.

John 3:30.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Justin Bieber.

Blogging again.

Roxie has been my roommate here at home for the weekend and she is crazy.
She seriously won't quit chewing on my toes.

I picked up my wedding dress today and am ecstatic.
I had to convince myself to take it off.
I really love it a lot.

I have even more wedding stuff to do tomorrow and I am excited.
I love wedding stuff.

Also, pretty much everyone BUT me has gotten to see the Justin Bieber movie and I am dying.
I just want to see it. So. Bad.

I have my second chemistry test on Tuesday.
I am dying. I am DYING!

Also, you know that feeling you get when you feel completely
overwhelmed because God is so graceful? I have that
feeling right now. I love it. I don't get it, but I love it.

The cable is out here at mom's house, so I can't watch any of
the stuff she has recorded.
Instead, I have watched Valentine's Day three whole times now.

It's funny because I brought P90X home with me so I could be
productive and work out over the weekend, but I haven't used it.
It is just sitting here beside me, making me feel guilty.

That's all for today.

Romans 3:23-24.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


What have I been doing lately?
Wedding planning.
Wedding planning.
Wedding planning.
Classes. And class work.
Wedding planning.
Wedding planning.
Cru Knights stuff.
Wedding planning.
Revival Steering Committee stuff.
Wedding planning.

I guess that about sums it up.

Right now I am up taking a break from finishing a project and wedding stuff to watch my 4th consecutive episode of "The Nanny" on Nick@Nite.
It's pretty funny.
Also, The 5 Dollar Foot Long sandwich song from the Subway commercial has been stuck in my head all day long and I have no idea why.

A commercial just came on for Gnomio and Juliet.

Ahh. Now a commercial for chicken!
Now seriously all I want is chicken.

The Nanny is back on.
I guess I'm going to go now.

I hope you have a fantastic day!


Ephesians 5:1-2.