Thursday, December 24, 2009

I'm engaged!

I can't believe that Christmas is tomorrow!
Time is going by so fast and it is freaking me out.

I have been way busier than I thought I would be trying to get things ready to plan my wedding!
I also spent 3 hours earlier making homemade cookies and frosting.

It was over 70 degrees today and I thought that was awesome, even though some people would disagree. I wish every December was like this. I love Texas.

I miss college, but I do not miss my 24-hour class schedule, and I am so glad that is over now.

So, when I was making cookies earlier, I realized I left both of my rolling pins back in Belton, so I went to kroger to get one. They had everything BUT rolling pins, so that was pretty cool. Instead, I ended up buying other random Christmas things that mom was really excited about.

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, November 29, 2009


So, my high school insomnia always comes back to me when I come home from UMHB for my breaks.
So, it's 5 in the morning right now.

I have to drive back to UMHB tomorrow and I will be tired.
I am so excited to go back.
I have missed it.

I can't believe the semester is almost over..... just one more week left, then finals.

Also, I thought I was over people thinking I was a child, but
I went to Red Hot and Blue and was handed a kid's menu with crayons.
I am actually 20.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Miss MHB is this Friday and Saturday and I can't wait and I'm super nervous/excited!
I don't know what I'm going to do after it's actually over! :/

Christmas is coming soon and that is really exciting!
I love Jesus and Christmas.

My 24 hours worth of classes will be done in 6 weeks, and that is super awesome!

Kayla cut her hair short this weekend and my roomie died hers red/brown. It was a weekend full of new hair. So cool.

Packages, gift cards, cash, or any clothing/food items are needed and will be greatly accepted here. So, if you're feeling generous you can send some over to me...... :)

I guess that I am done for now because I do not really know what else to say.

I love you.

Friday, August 28, 2009



I've learned that watching infomercials on a Friday night while everyone else is playing sand volleyball with a swarm of crickets, is a bad idea.

I want the instyler and sheer cover.
Like, pretty bad.

Class has been good.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

i love pink.

So, summer is almost over.
And, I'm not sad.

I'm waiting on my boyfriend to take me to Dallas to pick up my dress and take me on a date.
He should probably hurry, but I don't think that he's going to.

Chris bought me the PRETTIEST flowers last night because I had a not-so-good day.
He's pretty great.

I'm almost done with biology, and that makes me VERY happy. I finish Thursday.
THEN, in like two weeks I get to go back to UMHB!

I still need to unpack from our trip, and I have not done that, and I am not doing it now, either.


Friday, July 10, 2009

My exciting life.

Hey everyone!

I am watching Reba.
I just took my online sociology quiz.

Today, I went shopping and Mrs. W bought me the cutest things!

I have my first sociology test tomorrow, and my first biology II test Tuesday.

I'm pretty tired, so I think I might go to bed pretty soon.


Monday, June 29, 2009



Mom said, "Do you know you haven't updates your blog in like, over a month!?"
So, I am updating.

Let's see.

Summer is great!
I FINALLY have my new room completely finished thanks to Chritopher helping me with the paint and Eugene helping me with my blinds and my curtains and some furniture....
and Randy who took me orignally to buy my furniture and set up my futon.

Independence Day is this weekend and I'm super excited about that.

I recently set up a facebook for Eugene and attempted to teach him how to use it, so we will see how that goes.

Today, I took my last ever Biology 1408 test. What a GREAT feeling!

My fish are good, too. I think CJ is having a drink right now. He likes to go to the top and drink some of the bubbly water. I don't know why.


Thanks to everyone who has donated to my fundraising pages/causes!
It means SOOOOO much!! :)
And if you haven't donated, or would like to donate to another cause or donate again,
the links are:
SAVE - I'm just 325 dollars away from my goal!
To Write Love on Her Arms - I'm just 160 dollars away from my goal!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

summer summer summer!!

it's SUMMER!!
i love summer!

I decided I wanted to start a bakery. "Brit's Bakery." So. Awesome.

I was with Holly the other day and we had lunch in Lincoln Square and decided to go to the pet store, then, decided to go to the other pet store.
Well, at the second pet store, while parking, Holly just ran into the other parked car in the parking spot beside the one she was trying to park in.
Ayways, neither of us knew what to do and she was like "Don't tell my mom!" and I was all like, "You have to! Neither of us know what to do!"

So to make a long story short, she ended up leaving a note with her 2 phone numbers on it tucked under the windshield wiper of the car. I felt really bad for the person and I had a 5 dollar coupon for Joe's Crab Shack so I decided that this particular person needed it more than me and Holly and I agreed to leave it with the note.
Turns out "Sharday" (I think) LOVED the coupon.

If any of you have any extra time or money AT ALL (ANYTHING helps!!)
i have two really amazing causes that I whole-heartedly support and am trying to raise as much money and support as possible for!! (i know that is incorrect English, and I apologize, sincerely)
But seriously, if you have any free time, even if you don't have any money to donate, at least read over what these things are all about! It's amazing! Please help out and give any support possible!!
It would mean soooooo much to me, and especially to these foundations! :)

Donate to "To Write Love on Her Arms"

Donate to "SAVE"


Thursday, April 23, 2009


i'm sitting in my new rom at home and i LOVE it.
i've already unpacked a lot of my stuff from college.
i'm also hungry.

Mom lost my cat.

Kayla: Hey, do you think Landra is in her room right now?
Me: I don't know, let's check. (standing right outside her door, I call her on the phone)
Landra: Hello?
Me: Hi Landrie. What are you doing?
Landra: Oh, nothing, just sitting in my room.
Me: Oh, yeah, I know. I heard your phone go off in your room.
Landra: Yeah, What are you doing?
Me: We are standing outside your door.
Landra: Oh, cool.
Me: Yeah, it's pretty cool I guess.
Landra: Yeah, so, what are you doing?
Me: Landra, we are STILL standing outside your door!
Landra: Oh.......
Me: Do you want to come talk to us?
Landra: Okay, sure I guess.
Me: Okay, cool, bye.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


so just a summary of today.....

went to my 8:00 and landie came to my room and i gave her a ride. it was fun. and i had coffee.
my 8:00 went the entire hour and a half, and i then drove to my 9:30 class, where i had a test i've been preparing for for over a week and a half now!!
it was the HARDEST test in the world.
only one person finished on time, and i think they just gave up.

i came to my room and wanted a bowl of cereal.
i poured a bowl, smelled the milk, which smelled fine.
LIE. i took a bite, and it was spoiled. i thought i was going to die.

then, i went to empty the trash in the bathroom into a trash bag, and my phone fell into the toilet.
so, now my phone is hopefully drying out and going to be okay.

later, i got online to check all my classes, and they were all FULL.
i had a freakout and went to linz's room crying, then i found out i looked at spring 09 instead of fall 09.
and each class, was in fact, still open.

i am currently sitting here in the process of my hair dying brown. going to wash the dye out now.

love y'all :)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

it's already thursday

this week has gone by so fast.

so i bought a really pretty new fish the other day. kayla and i named him frankie after frank sinatra. i guess he did not like that name because he died the next day. depressing.

soon after that, the air conditioning stopped working, worked for an hour, and stopped working again. it has not worked since.

also, today, linz, jax, and me watched 2 episodes of one tree hill. good.

we have a ghost in the north wing of remschel. she likes to move our chairs around, trick us into coming into abandoned rooms, and play with the faucets late at night. it's creepy.

goodnight all.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Mary Poppins!
actually, I get to see that in like August or Septemeber.
and rent (again), and legally blonde the musical (again), and something else that i can't remember.

Saturday Christopher took me to get lunh and then for a walk in the park.
After the park we went to see Duplicity.
After the movie we were supposed to go to nice dinner but we decided on burger king instead.

Sunday I went to church. It was fun.
Then to chili's.
I packed. we left.
We sat in traffic for 2 hours.
We arrived at UMHB around 7:30.

it's 2. i have class at 8.


Friday, March 20, 2009

fun friday.

hello world.

my spring break ends sunday. sad.

my cat keeps finding my fish no matter where i hide them.

my spring break consisted of:

1) sleeping
2) hanging out with my best friend :)
3) finding/getting the CUTEST most ADORABLE puppy in the whole world!! (Max)
ans bought him cute stuff and my cat a new collar that she loves.
4) ditched watchmen after chris forced us to watch the first hour and 15 minutes even though i kept complaining after the first 20 minutes because it sucked.
5) went to the zoo (early) on thrusday.
6) ate at saltgrass with randy, chris, mommy, ken, and mr. dubb thursday night.
7) had the party of the century at ben's tonight (haha) by party of the century i mean we hung out and ate food and talked about stuff
...and saw knowing with ben, crystal, ty, jesscia, chris, daniel, and beau. it was.... i don't know.

vin diesel is going to be in the 3rd fast and the furious and i am excited about that.


Sunday, March 15, 2009

super spring break

so it's spring break.

i came home thursday and now i am here. and it's cool.

right now i am in the process of making a funfetti cake (my favorite) and watching i love lucy.
alex just came in and made eggs. which is disgusting. and it ruined the smell of my baking cake.
so i am annoyed.

let's see. Matthew came over today to help me with guitar and stuff. I learned some stuff. like how to play journey ... kindof. which is basically awesome because i do love journey. ALOT.

also. i started a twitter earlier today. i figured i needed another electronic output resource to retain my attention. mainly to distract me from things i SHOULD be doing like homework, studying, sleeping. things that just aren't quite as exciting. although sometimes sleep is more exciting. like it would be every morning when i have to wake up in time for my 8 oclock class. THAT is when sleep would be the best option available. but if i do that, i fail. so that sucks.

so i miss my friends. i wish y'all were here with me!!

in lucy right now, somehow everyone has a black eye, and since i've been writing this i really haven't been paying that much attention so i am really kind of confused.

my cake is done i think. i just ook it out of the oven. and now it smells realy god and is really hot and stuff. so that's cool. i can't decide if i want to put icing on it or not? i'm going to think about that for awhile.

lets see....what else.
oh. my arm is like really sensetive and it's weird. it's just my left arm. the top part. my skin is all sensitive and stuff and it like hurts if anything touches it. i have no idea why it's like that. it's really weirding me out. oh well.

okay. well i think i am completely out of stuff to say. oh.... lately.... i think i might be dislexic. like for the past few months whenever i type and stuff i spell random things all reversed and weird and i don't know if it's because i'm being absent-minded or because i'm dislexic. i really can't decide. well i mean i guess it's not a decision. but whatever. that's what's going on right now in my life.....besides the fact that my mother bought a new car and is getting tan and will not quit losing weight. all i hear now is "is that your mom or your big sister?"
but thanks for being good-looking mom. it's pretty cool.


Monday, March 9, 2009

Moving Monday :)

I actually like mondays. especially this monday because I only have two classes, and today my second class was cancelled!

I wrote my WHOLE English paper that is due Wednesday, except for the conclusion paragraph.
I ran out of paper before I could finish printing my actual English paper, so I have to go back tomorrow sometime and print it out.

"Mom!? I thought I was in your room at our house!?" -- JMF


Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday Friday Friday

Brittany kept forgetting to update her blog this week so this is Kayla doing it for her.
I don't really know what all Brittany did this week so I am going to try and think of some things.

1. Today, she helped me sort about a months worth of laundry and carry it down stairs in my 64 gallon tub.

2. She said...."it's pink, I love it!" maybe a total of ten times.

3. Watched Veronica Mars.

4. On Wednesday...or was it Thursday? I don't remember...she went to the debate in the sub.

5. We worked out together on Tuesday and then wanted to go to we did.  

6. Last night she wrote an insanely impossible paper.

7. Right now she is stretching in my room about to go work out...and lent rolling the rug.

8. About an hour ago we sat in my room and played catch.

9. A few nights ago we were having another "February" moment and about nine guys walked by the window and yelled up to us. It was: Brett, Clayton, Curtis, Tobin, Stuart...and that's all I can remember right now. It was a nice break from the drama that was happening in 337. 

10. Lastly, we all discovered that the housing process sucks and is just another reason February has been a terrible month. But, one good thing that did result of this week is that Lindsay, Brittany, Jacqueline, and I have decided to live together in an apartment next year.

Okay, that's about all I can think of. (Actually, I can think of more, but she said I wasn't allowed to post them on the internet...sorry readers.) Now I'm in my room by myself because Brittany and Lindsay just went to Mayborn. And I just remembered that I am supposed to be meeting Jake in the sub.

Have a good week!


And because Brittany loves The Office, I'm going to quote it:

"No problem. The guys are having a little shindig of their own in the warehouse. From 2:30 to 3:15. It is the only time that Bob was available. Sort of a guy's night out. A G-N-O if you will. A Gah-No. Actually, it's more of a guy's afternoon in. A G-A-I. A gay. Not- not- it's uh, not gay, it's just a, it's a bridal shower for guys. A guy shower. An hour long shower with guys."

-Michael Scott

Monday, February 23, 2009

Magnificent Monday.

This day has been excellent so far.

I woke up, even though i really did not want to at all, and went to English class.
Then I wrote my speech after I got out for my class at 12. I got an A.

After my last class I came into my room and FINALLY got to do my laundry.

This weekend I went home and it was fun.

That's it.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

No idea what to call this.


So, I would just like to point out......
now that sonic has a value menu.... and it's happy hour from 2-4 every day....
I feel like any willing family members who read this should feel absolutely free to send me, or anyone else I guess..... sonic giftcards whenever you feel like it!!
They would be greatly appreciated.
Well.... really..... ANYTHING besides hardy would be soooooooooo amazing.

Today, I did not want to wake up at 7 and go to class at 8. and 9:30. and 11:00. and 1:00.
it sucked. but..... I made it through another 4 classes!! :)
only 21 Tuesday/Thursdays left for this semester!!

After classes.... Jacqueline was cleaning............. :/ ???
and i dropped my gum and couldn't find it.
I found it like 2 hours later and I thought it was funny and made her take a picture with me and disappearing gum...of '09.

We went to Target too. And I got my pink iron that i am going to love and cherish very much :)
thanks mommy :)

Then..... normal stuff. American Idol. more normal stuff.
me. falling out of jax's blue chair. kayla recording it. landra peeing her pants (almost).

Yesterday.... nothing that I can remember that I need to write.
had lunch with people who kill fish for fun. cool.

then I don't remember.

good week so far :)


Friday, January 30, 2009

hair cut!!

i cut off my hair!!

do you like it??

Wednesday, January 28, 2009



Now that I bookmarked my blog on Tracie's computer, I have a new fan!!

So '09 is mighty fine.
so far.

Over the weekend, we went to Lindsay's in Cypress and it was awesome!!

First off I would like to mention that I made a memo in my phone entitled: Blogworthy events.
and last night I was going to blog and I looked down on Kayla's floor and there was this magazine just laying there open. I looked at it and it had some add with a burger or something and underneath it it said: BLOGWORHY. and i thought that was crazy.
and then we decided that I was psychic. well kayla is too really.

anyways. one of the events listed on my memo happened on the way to Cypress.
So, after everyone's classes were over we finished packing and loaded our stuff in Lindsay's car and then drove away. Then she stopeed to get gas at the gas station and Jacqueline realized that she kind of needed her money and stuff and had left it all back in her room. so we turned around and went back to get it. Well, Landra decided she wanted to get an apple. So she did.
And she ate the apple. Then, she finished the apple, and was holding the apple core that needed to be disposed. So she decides to throw it out the window.
However, her aim was completely off, and she throws the apple, which then hits the top/side of Lindsay's car.... right above the window.....leaving all kinds of apple gunk stuck on her car. Due to the lack of napkins, Landra decides to wipe it away with her hands. gross.
Anyways. I provided anti-bacterial handwash for her to clean her hands. so that was cool.

SO that was mainly the only thing I actually remembered to put in my blogworthy memo.
But anyways. we got to Lindsay's later that night and we made this amazing taco salad :) and i drank a lot of apple-cinnamon tea. it was SOOOO good. Then I don't really remember what we did. played guitar maybe??

SO then Saturday morning, I woke up to the beautiful voice of Landra. at 10:30. If you've ever experienced that.... I'm sorry. Then Jax got in bed with me and after an hour later Landra got really mad so I we got ready.
Then we went to the Woodlands mall and stayed their until like 5 that night. Then we came back and made a fire pit in Linz's back yard!! :) it was freezing. and smokey.
But, Landra decides it would be cool to jump into Linz's pool. and she did. good job again lance pants.

Then we watched Cinderella, except Kayla and me stayed upstairs and sang and played random songs. even kayla made up her own chords on the guitar and wrote a song about kingwood and her basset hound (who talks to her).
Then Landra was grumpy. and it was scary.
So we left her room and after a long time we went to bed.

Sunday morning, I shut off my alarm accidentally and fell back asleep with Kayla. Somehow.... beyond my understanding....Jax actually woke up and got ready and stuff. it was weird.
then they woke Kayla and me up and we had 11 minutes to get ready. and we did a good job.
then church. then AMAZING pot roast, potatoes & carrots, and green beans :)
then i went to kingwood with Jax and Kayla May to meet their awesome families. and doggies. :)

So Sunday night we got back to UMHB. and we've been here ever since. and it's fun. :)

"I like to play with my mom's elbow fat during church." -- Landra Ja(y)ne Davidson


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thurough Thursday


So today was fun!!

I woke up later than I planned and didn't go to breakfast with everyone. or whoever went.
which was annoying because everyone said I wouldn't. and then I didn't. cool.
but it was so worth the extra 20 minutes of sleep before my 4 classes!!

So after my music class with jax we decided to go to hardy. and we did.
and chris was there. and ty. and we met kayla there too. that was fun.
but i'm still mad that i never got my waffle.

then i had my last class. tech solutions. we got out like 20 minutes early... which is super nice.

after that I called Chris because I wanted to go to the park and he didn't take me yesterday so he said we could go today. so after he finished cleaning we left for the park.
I had Charles lead us to some park like 10 minutes away and it was the coolest park ever!!
We got really crazy lost in the huge trail stuff and he was freaking out but i thought it was fun.
but don't worry, we obviouslt found our way back :)
besides, i told jax about this and she was on call the whole time anyways. looking out for us.
even had a search effort planned.

so we got back. and i decided i wanted sonic.... so we went there instead.
and then we went to walmart. where i spent kinda alot of mommy's money on COMPLETELY necessary items.......mostly.
some guy left his change there and we debated for a long time what we were supposed to do about it. i ultimately decided to give it to the cashier guy because he looked trustworthy. kind of.
so i did.
and i was like, "Hi! I just wanted to give this to you because the man that went before us left this change and I figured I should give it to you in case he comes back for it!"
he responded with (in a less perky tone), "Oh....okay. This is my tip money."
no laugh.
so i awkwardly laughed. and then somewhat regretted that decision due to my feeling that he was not kidding at all.
but oh well... it's his problem now. not that 10 dollars is necessarily a problem..... but in this case it really was.

Got back to UMHB. had an awesome office watching party (my favorite show....not. (but i'm getting used to having to watch it everyday or so)) mixed with our hall meeting. fun.

then Linz, me, Trace, Lan-Lan, and Jax went to work out at the gym. BUT on the way... a mishap occured.
Tracie accidentally threw her keys in the dumpster. yeah.
SO..... we went to "rape alley" behind her dorm and tred to devise a plan to recover the keys.
someone finally made the decision that I would be the individual who would retrieve them.
So, Lan, Linz, and Trace lifted me up and angled me into the dumpster while Jax held the lid open. Suddenly, I realized that they were holding me by my knees and Landra had let go and was starting to pee her pants because she was laughing. so i guess since she could potentially pee on herself it was no longer important to her to protect me from falling headfirst into the dumpster with no way out.
So, after I was completely upside down, I grabbed the top of the keys.... then they fell further...putting my life moreso at risk. FINALLY, i got down far enough to grab the keys.
RETREIVAL OF '09!! yeah!!

then we proceeded to work out.
after the workout we visited kayla at work. then she got sick and wanted to faint.
so we clocked her out, carried her stuff back, and carried her back on Trace's and Jax's backs.
then we talked. i came to my room to shower.
realized I had homework.
completed it.
and that lead me here.

the end.

"My 3rd grade teacher used to put me in a box and do experiments on me!" -- Kayla Annette Lynch


Monday, January 19, 2009

Main Monday

So, yay!!

I updated a few days ago and everything got erased. so my enthusiam was erased as well,

This weekend has been soooo fun!!

Friday.... I went to class. and then waited. Then went to my next/last class.
Then I think I ate in the sub?? but i can't really remember.
Then.... I went to Austin with Chris to drop off Cody at the airport to fly to Lubbock to be with his girlfriend. Then we came back. that was fun.

Uhmm.... When I got back I can't really remember what we did??
I think I spent the night in Kayla and Jax's room...oh yeah I did!!
We fell asleep watching a Cinderella Story. fun fun.

Saturday I woke up at 12. Then got ready to go to Hillsboro to eat and go shopping with Mimi and Mommy.
Then Lan Lan decided she wanted to go with me and so she did.
And we drove to Hillsboro... ate.... and shopped. And then mimi cried when we left.
Then we got back. and I don't remember anything we did after that.

Sunday I went to The Vista with Chris and Clayton and then we ate at Olive Garden and then went to the mall and then Target and then WalMart!! yay!!
Then I came back and we made videos in Kayla's room.

Today... I woke up at 1. Went to Sonic and the car wash with Landra and Linz.
Went to see Kayla and Jax in their room.
Left to go to AUstin with Christopher, Jesscia, and TyTy.
We picked up Cody. We walked around 6th street confused and lost.
We ate at the Iron Cactus.
We left and came back.
I came back to Kayla and Jax's room and we sat there.
I came back to my room (where I am now) did my homework, and now I'm blogging for everyone.

And luckily..... I bookmarked my blog on Landra's computer because unfortunately it wasn't already there!! So I fixed that for her.
And she was happy. and hopefully she will read this now.
Jax and Kayla are my true friends that already have this bookmarked. I think so at least.

Anyways. this was fun.

"Guys. I have cougher's run." -- Landra Jayne Davidson


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Timely Tuesday!!


So, I have a break right now because my adorable psychology teacher let us out of class early!!
Now I'm waiting to go to my music class at 11 with Jax!! :) yay!!

So waking up early today wasn't that bad. I was really successful!! I made it to my 8 oclock class 10 minutes before it started!! and I met Landra in the hallway at 7:40 so we walked together, well together half way, because we were going to two different buildings, and that was really cute of us.

I thought I would have alot of trouble focusing and staying awake, because I absolutely could not sleep at all last night. I went to bed at 12:45 and didn't fall asleep until at least 3:50. So waking up sucked a little at first because I had like just fallen asleep but it was fun.

Anyways.Yesterday Christopher took me to best buy and I got my flip!! It was on sale and it was exciting. Then I started recording our awesome lives here at UMHB!! Yay for us.

And I went running yesterday with Jacqueline and Leigh!! I ran over a mile!! I felt really accomplished. But everyone in the gym and everyone outside the windows looking in the gym was probably judging me. Especially the two girls behind me. Made me feel pressured.

"When I'm bored I eat rasins." -- Kayla Annette Lynch

Okay. I'm done.
I love you!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

sick sick sick

hello everyone!!
I've gone 2 posts in a row now with zero comments and it makes me sad :(
but oh well.

I really don't know why it doesn't send an e-mail every time I update.

I don't even remember the last time I actually updated.
I'll start with Monday.

Monday I woke up and I was like..... wow..... I don't feel like getting out of bed at all. I thought to myself..... Maybe I should act like I'm sick so someone will take care of me and bring everything to me while I am in bed!!
Then.... I was like well.... that's a stupid idea. I would just waste the day and I need to get up anyways because it's getting late.
So I woke up and I don't remember very much of anything else that happened.
Chris came over a little while later though. We were playing scrabble..... and of course he was beating me because he ALWAYS cheats and comes up with these illigal moves that he says aren't illegal but whatever. I don't believe him.
Half-way through the game I was like whoaa..... my tummy kinda hurts. Then I just wanted to lay down. I still wanted to try and beat Chris..... but I decided my tummy hurt too bad.

So I rested and Chris decided he would leave so he carried me to bed. While I was in bed I realized whoa.... I really do feel really sick. Not just kinda sick. So then he left and I just laid there and could not sleep at all. So i decided to take a bubble bath to see if that would make me feel any better. So I did. and that idea was not a good one.
I proceeded to through up all my dinner contents plus more.... and more..... and more... and more... and then trhough my nose...........which was terrible. I've never had my nose burn so bad.
and how do you fix that?? you don't.

So, I woke up my mother... soaking wet.... and I'm like momma.... I just threw up ALOT in the bath tub and it's sooooo gross and it came through my nose!! What do i do!?? She just said awww.... come to bed. and obviously that would not have worked.
So I returned to the bathroom and I was like omg... this is terrible. anyways. I cleaned that up.... while I was still sick... and then took a shower to clean myself up.... and decided to go back to bed.... only then I still couldn't sleep and ran back to the bathroom only to throw up 3 more times. gross.
Then I decided to go to mom's bed. and i did. and then..... I had to throw up again!! and i did..... 3 more times.... then I tired to go back to bed.... couldn't sleep.... ALL NIGHT. until 7..... when I once again threw up 4 times..... I still couldn't sleep after that.... but at least that was the last time I threw up.
good job for me.

This is sooooooooooo long right?? and graphic.... but my readers deserve the whole truth!! Anyways.... I called Christopher at 10:30 and i was like please come take care of me.
And he did like 2 and a half hours later. He brought all kinda of medicine and stuff. Then I decided I needed to go to the doctor so my mommy signed me up online.... because that's how we do everything these days.... and about an hour and a half later they called me and told me to come in. and we did. Chris took me.

After waiting about 15 minutes, they called me to the back. and a nurse recorded all this random information sown on some sheet and then left. about 20 minutes later, a girl doctor came in and was like blah blah.... i dont really remember what she said.... but then i heard but we will need a sample of your blood to test.... and i was like crap. needle. but i was sick. and i was ready to be done and i was like okay lets go. so she left. and i laid there for about 5 or 10 more minutes until a brand new person came in to take me blood. no fun. girl doctor came back in about 15 minutes later. told me my bloodwork was great. yay. then she announced i would need an antibiotic shot..........WHAT!!!? oh well. i was like whatever thats fine. thinking a quick shot into the arm and then i could finally leave and stop laying in the doctor's office watching night at the museam.

So, about 5 minutes later a NEW nurse.... this makes number 4 i think.... comes in and tells me this shot is going in my HIP and i will be sore afterwards. oh joy. EXACTLY what i wanted to hear. but there was no way out of it. So she gave me the biggest shot ever in the world into my hip and injected what must have been cement or something into my body.... extremely painful and very unpleasant. especially for me. then the nurse finishes and she's like i'm so sorry i know this hurts bad. and i'm like yeah..... no kidding. then she's like..... but we need to keep you for another 10 minutes to see how you turn out.... great. still stuck here.

10 minutes later...... original nurse comes in.... "How are you feeling?"Seriously!?!?!? Did she just ask me how I was feeling after I threw up all my insides and only got 15 minutes of sleep and my blood taken and a MASSIVE shot in my side..... "Fine." I said. sooooo ready to leave.

So original nurse girl leads me back out to the waiting room where I sit with Chris to wait it pay the 30 dollar copay.... I sit down and I'm like whoa.... I'm dizzy. this is weird. and chris asks if i feel better.... I say no..... remember being dizzy. feeling hot. then all the sudden wake up to chris yelling, "Somebody!?" and I'm like whoa.... this probably isn't very good. I'm like.. "What happened??" Chris told me I fainted and I was like that's not good.

Well..... BACK to the doctor.... this time on some crazy bed that looked like it had been reserved just for me when i passed out. Apparently I had no color because they couldn't stop saying that.... and i had some kind of rash or something.... but all i could think about is how they put my legs up on some thing and it made my hip hurt.
THEN.... the new surprise!! I got to get ANOTHER huge shot in my OTHER hip to help my body reject the first shot because the doctors decided I was not reacting well to the medicine.... great.

So After a very long.... not fun.... painful..... horrible process.... I got back home. took a bunch of medicine. and slept. and sleeping was great. it was very very great.

And now.... it's Thursday and I finally got to eat something. Pizza!! Even though Christopher and my mom were like you should probably wait a while longer.... but it's Christmas Break... my last week.... and after this.... it's HARDY. so I decided it was worth the risk. and so far. I am fine. So it looks like I'm better.

Just re-typing this story has increased my stress level and caused my back to ache. Hopefully later I can update with a more positive, uplifting story. If anyone ever even reads this thing anymore!?!?

no quote today. i miss my friends.

****** I forgot to mention earlier that to top off all this craziness.... my belly button ring grew out for some reason and I no longer have a pierced naval. how sad my life is right now. what to do?? ********

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Yay for '09!!


It's been a while. I wonder sometimes if anyone ever even reads this anyways....
but then people te me that they DID read it!! and it makes me feel a whole lot better!!

Let's see. New Years was really fun!!
Everyone (well.... some of us) went over to Beau's house to have a slammin' party!!
I also met my new best friend Reese there. She is the puppy that I plan on stealing. She is really really adorable and REALLY likes to play with people.
We had a blasty blast and took pictures and stuff. it was fun.
Although, I was up until about 6:30 in the morning and I was acting super crazy and weird after like 3 oclock and everyone around me probably wanted to kill me. At least the people still moderately awake.
We watched John Tucker Must Die, The Inside Man, and Wedding Crashers and I was like the only person paying attention to all of them.
OH! and when we first got there we watched Die Hard 2.... which made my day a thousand times better!! I made sure everyone knew that I was super obsessed with Bruce Willis..... but pretty much everyone already knew that I feel.

Anyways, On Thursday.... which was New Years Day, my friends could not stand to leave me.... so they stayed another night :)
Well, something like that.
I mean they really stayed another night though. haha??
Okay, anyways..... that night we talked..... and talked..... and then watched mamma mia.... and then talked some more I feel. it was fun. I would recommend everyone to do that.
The hilight of the night were probably the exciting snacks we had.... like brownies. :)

Okay so of course this morning Landra had to leave at 10!! and I had to get up and stuff... and that was depressing. Depressing waking up.... and Landra leaving me :( and then Kayla and Jax and Ryan all left me!! :( but then I just went back to bed and passed out. at least until Christopher brought me lunch.
We are dieting together for the New Year. and it's fun! Well I already broke the diet.... even though we just started it today. Well I guess technically since it's 4 in the morning.... We started yesterday.... and I broke it at like 3. it was definately worth it though!! :)

So I'm singing tomorrow. and I am going to bed now. This was fun.

Quote of the day (well... week really)
"I tried it. I feel cool now."
-- Landra Jayne
(I feel like maybe you had to be there for that. and i feel like mabe the people who were there for that didnt think it was quite as funny as i did..... but i'm used to that)
